It may seem odd that the original cruel summer eras tour devils roll the dice shirt Spring festival of the Christian Church – Easter – is that of the Crucifixion of Jesus. However, this is the beginning of Spring and the Agricultural Year. This is “New Life” in the Material World. The Seeds hidden in the earth are beginning to develop – so Spiritual Energy is being used to produce Material Growth. The Spirit (of Jesus) is being “Crucified” on “The Cross of Matter”. Additional modern symbols of “New Life” come from Easter Eggs, and Easter Bunnies. Rabbits are another symbol of Fertility. We have the additional symbolism of the Jesus (Seed) being “buried” in an (Mother Earth/Womb) cave and being Resurrected. This also symbolises Reincarnation of a Soul or Spirit into a human body, and Human Birth from the Womb of a mother. It is notable that, despite the rejection of Astrology by the Christian Church, they still use it to set Easter Sunday in the annual calendar (from which time other festivals are calculated). Easter Day is defined as being the first Sunday after the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox (equal Day and Night) which occurs around March 21st. each year. If that day is a Sunday, the following Sunday becomes Easter Day. The Equinox Sunrise position is also used in Astronomy/Astrology to define Zero Degrees of Aries – so that the positions of planets and stars can be measured from Earth as the central point.

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