I never spent much on a Christmas Eve meal when my children were still young because they’d be too excited and antsy to care what we had. I saved the Matt Couch Faith Still Moves Mountains Matthew 17 20 shirt for a wonderful Christmas day early evening meal with special things we all loved. By that time presents had been opened, toys played with, etc. I’d frequently make a good prime rib, twice baked potatoes, trifle with jello and lots of coolwhip, fancy butter gem rolls and of course a champagne toast, grape juice when the kids were under 10 y.o. I also made a nice make ahead dessert from the frozen chocolate jellyroll cake that I’d cover with semi-melted vanilla ice cream and decorated so it looked like a yule log. We of course always had Christmas crackers so we all got a really bad joke, a small (very small) toy and our tissue paper crowns. Good times.

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