Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 6, 2023

66 Years Of 1957 – 2023 Tina Turner Thanks For The Memories T Shirt


My Christmas Eve mail one year included a 66 Years Of 1957 – 2023 Tina Turner Thanks For The Memories T Shirt summons to attend a county court hearing soon after Christmas in January in connection with an association of which I was an officer. At the time the association was collapsing in acrimony with endless quarrelling between the members, and a member who had been expelled from it was taking myself and three other officers to court for unfair expulsion. As the case was not properly defended by the association member who had the task of defending it, this member was awarded his costs, which were about £4,000, and so I and three other officers had to pay about £1,000 each out of our own pockets, as the association was insolvent. I hasten to add that the litigation in connection with this association (which involved three different court hearings) was the only time I have ever been involved in any kind of civil litigation in my entire life. A few years later I received another court summons on Christmas Eve, this time a summons to a local magistrates’ court in connection with a motoring offence, namely receiving four speeding penalties within three years. When I appeared in court in January again, the magistrates told me that they could see no reason why I should not be disqualified from driving, and so I was disqualified for a six month period I also hasten to add this was the only time in my life I have ever been the defendant in a criminal court (and of course the only time I have ever been disqualified from driving). Naturally both of these items of mail arriving as they did on Christmas Eve somewhat marred my Christmases in those two years.

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The Texas Longhorns 2023 NCAA Division I Women’s Outdoor Track and Field National Champions logo shirt thing here is not that we haven’t found aliens, but that we are learning so much about the universe so quickly. 20 years ago nobody knew that there are huge underground oceans on Europa and Enceladus, and methane lakes on Titan. 40 years ago there was no evidence of life at hydrothermal vents or life in deep ocean sediments—organisms that use forms of biology quite unlike that of the familiar organisms here on the surface. 25 years ago there was no evidence of even a single planet around another star! Now we know of thousands. The real number, in our galaxy alone, is probably hundreds of billions. The appropriate attitude here, I’d say, is a mix of giddiness and caution. Giddiness, because the rate of discovery right now is downright astonishing. Caution, because we still have so far to go in answering the big question: Are we alone?

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