Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 2, 2022

Reading Adventure Library Student Teacher Book School Tee Shirt - noonshirt


Reading Adventure Library Student Teacher Book School Tee Shirt

the world might seem like it’s shut down right now, but what if every truck driver who hauls things across the globe, or every cargo ship worker gets ill at once? how will anything get anywhere? what if every postal worker and amazon delivery person gets sick at once, then how would anything get delivered? things aren’t actually shut down, we’ve only put restrictions on social interaction right now. and if we didn’t, then everyone would be sick all at once, and that would be CATASTROPHIC. our economy would collapse, as would life as we know it. if every nurse and doctor was sick, who would treat people. hell, if every janitor was sick, nothing would get clean,

Reading Adventure Library Student Teacher Book School Tee Shirt(Reading Adventure Library Student Teacher Book School Tee Shirt)

Buy it now: Reading Adventure Library Student Teacher Book School Tee Shirt - noonshirt

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My Wife Is Ukrainian Ukraine Flag Ukraine Tee Shirt - noonshirt

My Wife Is Ukrainian Ukraine Flag Ukraine Tee Shirt - noonshirt

Hompage: noonshirt


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