Now another thing I noticed whilst watching the film- many character traits were missing. In the first film Star-Lord, played by Chris Pratt, was funny, full of energy and jokes. In this film he seemed tired, and lacked the Kool Aid Man father and son Kool Dad shirt that made his character such a standout in the Marvel library. He just seemed mopey and his jokes felt forced and he seemed really unhappy to be with the Guardians. Meanwhile Drax- he looked different in some respects and acted a little off. Yes he was still very litteral, but he seemed more light-hearted. One of my favourite things with Drax, is how annoyingly clueless he was and his dark side was something I also loved. Now he just seems too happy. Rocket- a character I have never really liked due to me thinking he is just actually a rude character, seemed even ruder- he hadn’t learnt anything from film one. Yondu’s, portrayed by Michael Rooker, voice also sounded a little off to begin with in the film, which I found odd. A few things were just off. The fun was gone.

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The issue of royalties varies depending on the tella Artois Sunflowered 4th Of July Hawaiian Shirt in place at the time. I can’t speak for “A Christmas Story” and whether all actors were on a royalty system, were all members of SAG, all had the same provisions in their contracts and so on. It is quite common in some countries such as the USA for actors to get ‘points’ for a percentage of the profits in all subsequent uses (broadcast, cable, internet, etc.) This system is subject to the production company’s accountancy practices though so actors do have to trust that they get their fair share unless they have a degree in finance and access to the labyrinthine accounts. I have acting colleagues who appeared in Beverly Hillbillies (the original 60s TV series) and in Star Wars. The money from the 60s show trickles in and the amounts are trivial however the amounts from the Star Wars reboot are more significant.
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