I Show Speed Speed Gang logo T shirt
But only half the size of a I Show Speed Speed Gang logo T shirt lion. Still, as you can see from the photos above, you couldn’t blame someone for thinking they saw a black mountain lion, especially since many people don’t even know the existence of jaguarundis. So, there you have it. Some facts to back you up next time someone says they saw an “American Black Panther” or black mountain lion. The fact is, some species are able to be melanistic (even if rarely) and others, simply are not. Mountain lions are not. It’s just not in their DNA. Just like it is in the DNA of leopards, but not in African lions; like it is in tigrinas, but not in tigers. Excluding the domestic cat, there are 39 species of Felidae. Of those, exactly 14 of the 39 species of wildcat carry a melanism gene.

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