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To answer this question completely would require a textbook and a whole course on currents, but I can give a brief synopsis. First of all, there are all sorts of Lets Go Darwin Funny Sarcastic Women Men Let’s Go Darwin T Shirt . There are the surface currents most people are familiar with. But there are also currents found at depth, for example the NADW or North Atlantic Deep Water. Currents can be found at the surface, at deep depths and at intermediary depths. Why is this? Due to differences in density. The density of sea water is not only determined by temperature (warmer, less dense) but also by its salt content, called salinity (more salt, more dense). With the wide ranges of possible temperature and salinity combinations can lead to all sorts of interesting water masses and mixing regimes. Currents can be driven by geopotential or pressure gradient with water following the pressure gradient from high to low (much like for atmospheric situations). The result is a gyre aided by Coriolis (deflection due to earth’s rotation). Currents can be driven by density called thermohaline circulation (thermo for temperature, haline for salt). There are currents found at the pycnocline interface (pycnocline is a sharp vertical change in density), though these are often referred to as internal waves. Nevertheless, they are still movements of water.

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