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What is the main effect of currents? They result from dynamical differences that result from physical properties and in general, they are a Funny plumber custom name if Simmons can’t fix it no one can T Shirt distribution mechanism for the planet. For example, the Gulf Stream brings heat from the tropics to the sub polar regions. As it gives off its heat (why UK and Scandinavia are warmer than they should be for their latitudes), the water becomes cold, but is now very salty, so it sinks vertically. As it does, it sinks to about 1000 m and returns back south. (This is the NADW I mentioned earlier). This return flow brings cooler temperatures from the polar regions back to the tropics, all part of the heat distribution mechanism. In fact, this event is called the AMOC, the Atlantic Meridional Overturn Circulation, and is the start of what is commonly called the Conveyor Belt which is a major heat distribution mechanism for the entire planet.

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