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The Complainer – Most of us have a hard time recognizing when we’re on a doosy of a whine fest, but quick to crook our fingers at other moaners. The complainer dwarf habitually projects her inner dissatisfaction onto everyone and everything and seldom realizes it when she has crossed the line into becoming a Womens Pontoon Party Slow Motion Fun Drink Shirt . Complaining is an easy habit to fall into. It’s a reason to speak when you have nothing to say: “Damn it’s hot in here, are you hot?” We complain to let off steam, to get sympathy, and sometimes we do it just because its fun to indulge in a good old fashion bee-yach session but we’re not actually accomplishing anything or solving the problem, so by complaining we’re really not doing ourselves any favors. Dwarfersize it by becoming aware of the complaining you do.

For a few years, I made salt dough ornaments using cookie cutters. I used the Gingerbread man and woman cutters in different sizes, then baked these and painted on the faces. Be sure to put a small hole in the top of the ornment so that you can hang it. Add yarn or steel wool hair, glue on ‘clothes’ cut from fabric scraps. Before you add any of the clothes and hair, be sure to cover the ornament in varnish. Make one for every family member or have every family member make an ornament of themselves. Use yarn, ribbon, or fishing line through that little hole to add the ornament hanger. Do this year and year and your family members can see how they have changed. Put the year on the back. You can simplify it by just painting on the hair and Womens Pontoon Party Slow Motion Fun Drink Shirt. You could make these over the Thanksgiving weekend or just before Christmas. Using other cookie cutters, you can make virtually any kind of ornament to give to teachers, friends, neighbors, family. When the time comes to put these away, wrap each ornament in plastic wrap and store in a dry area. I think there are salt dough people in my collection that are twenty years old.
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How young the soldiers were that died. For the United States, more than 60% of deaths were men 21 years old and younger. Many of them were drafted and often came from Womens Pontoon Party Slow Motion Fun Drink Shirt lower socioeconomic backgrounds. There was terrible suffering on the Vietnamese side that often goes unmentioned too, millions died, including more than a million civilians. The entire war was very stupid and reactionary and driven by a massive sunk cost mentality (We’ve already put this much effort into this. We can’t quit now.) Even more so, it was corrupt politics at work. And I don’t use the word corrupt lightly. We need militaries. I don’t think humans are capable of world peace. Too much history has proven otherwise. But we are surely capable of dumb, pointless wars.
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It’s funny as many Protestants consider Halloween to be a Pagan or Satanic “holiday” and therefore will have nothing to do with it. Jews look at the Catholic roots and consider it a Christian holiday and so don’t observe it. One doesn’t usually see Catholics embracing the belief that it is Pagan or Satanic, as it is followed by the Holy Day of Obligation, All Saints Day. All Souls Day is the next day. I forget which Pope it was that allowed for religious syncretism (Gregory the Great, maybe) but it was one of the early ones. Basically, it meant that you allowed the people you were forcing to convert (especially during colonization) to keep some of their customs. They simply had to blend them in with Christianity and be discreet. The Spanish Inquisition stopped a lot of the Womens Pontoon Party Slow Motion Fun Drink Shirt and games.

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