Lets Go Brandon with US stars and stripes T Shirt
If we were to disregard occasional odd months (which only lunar calendar experts would know its mathematics), basically lunar months would have 30 days, hence, only 360days/year instead of 365. So, the Lets Go Brandon with US stars and stripes T Shirt will get earlier and earlier, then, after a few years, there will be a “lunar leap year” with a 13th month in order to keep up with the sun. The 13th month would be a double of one of the months (again only the experts would know which month is to be doubled). Somehow, its complexed mathematics works to ensure that over a long period of time the number of lunar years and Gregorian years is exactly the same, unlike the Islamic lunar calender which is similar but w/o the “lunar leap year”, hence, over time, there will be more Islamic years than Gregorian or Chinese lunar years, guess, in the Arabian desert and Oasis, the Muslims need not keep up with the sun for they always had the sun and had no 4 seasons to be concerned with.

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